home The easy route to business management
The ideal preparation for the European Business Competence* Licence, EBC*L

easy business

is number 1,
when it comes to practice-oriented business training. There is no solution which is more efficient: In just a few hours one can acquire thorough business knowledge.

has revolutionised the world of business training.
A topic which is often classed as complicated and overly theoretical is made accessible in a short time and in an entertaining manner even to people with no previous business knowledge.

has received numerous awards for the implementation of the most modern learning psychology and educational findings.

is the most commonly used, certifi ed complete programme in preparation for the European Business Competence* Licence, EBC*L.

a one-stop shop
You can choose how you would like to acquire business know-how:

e-learning: CD-ROM or Internet (WBT)
seminars (using the blended learning method)

The International Certificate for Business Competence



 © 2011 Easy Business Training GmbH